I've seen conflicting examples of where the dist. should be located, from the factory manuals, to chiltons, or Haines, and others.
And you can't be 1 tooth off. because the bottom of the distributor is slotted, and can only go in the right way, or 180° out.
You can put your #1 anywhere you want like mentioned above, by taking a long flathead screwdriver, and turning the oil pump driveshaft in the dist. hole, to where you want it to be relative to your distributor gear slot, and rotor. And when you drop it in, remember to take into account it will twist when it engages with the cam gear, B4 it settles in. It might take a couple try's to get it to point where you want. And when you finally install it for good, like Aussi mentioned, the vac can needs to go where you can adjust it W/O hitting anything.