NOS vs Used.
Just a variation on the theme. I had an older NOS wiper motor to suit 75-81 Firebirds with depressed parking and non-pulse. These changed numbers a few times over the years but were the same thing. Figured I'd throw a few pics up just to show new condition, but also minor changes that occurred over the years.
NOS GM #4960951 (#22048252)
Firstly, while the label applied often implies this is a 1975 model motor, I believe this one would be a 1985 spare part supply. From scrolling through NOS and used pics, it seems that this system of single digit year lasted until 1985. In 1986 they listed 86, not 6, and soon after didn't list the work station or shift number also seen.
Another hint is the 80's version black plastic cover. I'm not sure when this type started, #4961110, but has a few minor changes to the original 70's version, which I believe may have been #4918437. It is not listed in the standard parts manual and not cast into the cover either. The main differences are the larger plug opening, combined with cooling vent (?) where shorter sponge seal is still used over the terminals inside. The top edge has a continuous straight edge that overhangs the motor casting, rather than 2 curves. And the motor housing recess is round instead of having the pointed tip of original. Both swap onto each other. This original cover is now reproduced by one of the Corvette Resto shops, but of course it was used by many GM models. A Corvette parts manual would probably list the part number too, I'll try that another day!
2 other differences are the coloured electrical wiring used and the cover screws are now plated, mine were blackened. That could be variations in batch, different years, who knows what, things to check out in original pics if that sort of thing interests you. The part number on the label didn't always match GM either, Delco did their thing, GM kept updating and changing. The box also features the 1980+ part number #22048252, so another way to see it's a 1985 part and not 1975.
NOS GM Firebird wiper motor non-pulse recessed 22048252 4960951 4961110 (20) by
Ben, on Flickr
NOS GM Firebird wiper motor non-pulse recessed 22048252 4960951 4961110 (22) by
Ben, on Flickr
NOS GM Firebird wiper motor non-pulse recessed 22048252 4960951 4961110 (26) by
Ben, on Flickr
NOS GM Firebird wiper motor non-pulse recessed 22048252 4960951 4961110 (29) by
Ben, on Flickr
NOS GM Firebird wiper motor non-pulse recessed 22048252 4960951 4961110 (33) by
Ben, on Flickr
NOS GM Firebird wiper motor non-pulse recessed 22048252 4960951 4961110 (34) by
Ben, on Flickr
NOS GM Firebird wiper motor non-pulse recessed 22048252 4960951 4961110 (36) by
Ben, on Flickr
Here's my original wiper motor next to the NOS wiper motors. For context, the label was missing when I got the car, and I clean and polished it up 20 years ago to how it looks here. Also, my car was originally a Pulse wiper car, so this wiper motor was swapped in at some point, why, who knows, although the dash conversion suits his one, it's still an original from the same era.
Motor cover differences are shown, even took them off to compare better and test swapping. Blackened vs plated screws are shown. The grommets would have been plated, were well worn and I basically cleaned up to bare metal that browned off with time. Note the ground strap on both as part of the grommet, most kits don't include this as are generic, or use the early 1st gen type with short strap. I think the Corvette Resto shop also does this version if needed. One difference is the later version has a small tab that stops it turning and twisting when tightened. Another thing is that some of the repros are bent at right-angles like a Z shape, whereas the originals were simply curved tightly and installed.
Fiebird wiper motors used vs NOS 4960951 4961110 (3) by
Ben, on Flickr
Fiebird wiper motors used vs NOS 4960951 4961110 (4) by
Ben, on Flickr
Fiebird wiper motors used vs NOS 4960951 4961110 (
Ben, on Flickr
Covers......Part number, round raised centre and longer plug opening is 80's NOS, plain with pointy mid section and shorter plug opening is original 70's, different upper edge shape, shown on right in this pic.
Fiebird wiper motors used vs NOS 4960951 4961110 (9) by
Ben, on Flickr
Fiebird wiper motors used vs NOS 4960951 4961110 (11) by
Ben, on Flickr