I get excited by every new item or bag of rusty bolts and clips that arrives, especially if have no immediate use for. Within half hour of delivery, the box is opened, they are photographed from every angle just in case, and have been descaled and soaking in rust converter or similar. And that's if I'm busy with other things to finish!
I have a few brand new parcel trays stored as well. They are the PUI type, I needed one, but bought a few as could ship in same box. The idea was to sell locally at a fraction of the price and had 2 guys already wanting one each. One collected, one didn't. But I only wanted one as a template to cut my own board from and redo that area. So my own board other than being traced, was slipped back into the bag and remains there, in all it's mismatched tan glory that no model used. Not worth the effort or the money I'd get for them to even bother to dig out, and everyone here wants a bargain and expect international shipping costs don't exist when already in the country and someone else paid for it! But I digress, even the cheapest and nastiest part, known at the time, served its purpose perfectly. Plus, they often came with lovely oversized flat boxes for storing trim and custom parcel trays later!