Are you sure the resistor is bad? I have an a/c car and had to replace the blower motor 2 weeks ago. From this site and others I have learned a few things. IF the blower only runs on high the resistor is bad. IF the blower only runs on the 3 lower speed the relay is bad. Mine, after the blower motor was replaced, didn't run at all. I found that the switch behind the dash that goes through all the positions on the control panel was bad. I had power going in but not out. I took the switch apart, cleaned it, and all was fine. With the ignition on, engine off, you should hear the compressor clutch click on as well as the fan relay if the fan switch is set to high. If so the switch behind the dash is good. It could also be the fan switch it's self. I'm not sure how one would test it. ohm meter. As far as the location of the resistor, someone with more experience will chime in.