I took the easy way out. I packaged it up with various bolts, clips and parts like those trunk lamps and fuel line clips and shipped to a guy I've used several times over the years. Briefly about 2 years ago the local carb rebuilder started taking on plating jobs too and was good. But was taking longer and longer and not at all interested. The last time I had to go and collect after 10 months, not even touched. Sent them back to usual guy in another state, within 5 days of getting the box he had them done and on their way back. These vacuum pods are probably the hardest to do, not so much the job itself but the fact that even if capped off, they always still seem to have a dribble of the acid or similar that gets inside and under the rubber diaphragm bellows but chooses to seep out during posting back and staining the plating. It even happened this time and I have one to send back, this one had a slight mark or two from same but I let it run after a wash.