TAC Spotlight => Trans Am Nationals => Topic started by: FormTA on August 29, 2023, 07:18:39 PM

Title: What happens at the Nats...
Post by: FormTA on August 29, 2023, 07:18:39 PM
Very cool! I really need to go to one some time. Can you or someone explain what the Nats actually are? What goes on times and such? Maybe I need to ask that in the Nats thread...
Title: Re: What happens at the Nats...
Post by: another10th on August 29, 2023, 08:16:06 PM
Very cool! I really need to go to one some time. Can you or someone explain what the Nats actually are? What goes on times and such? Maybe I need to ask that in the Nats thread...

It's three days of Firebird overload and the best people you will ever meet. 500+ Firebirds of every description.  It's held every year at the end of August in Fairborn, Ohio. (near Dayton.) Put on by the Dayton Chapter of the Trans Am Club of America. You can get all of the info (and photos) on the Trans Am Nationals Facebook page, or their website.
Title: Re: What happens at the Nats...
Post by: kentucky yeti on August 29, 2023, 08:19:59 PM
Very cool! I really need to go to one some time. Can you or someone explain what the Nats actually are? What goes on times and such? Maybe I need to ask that in the Nats thread...

Technically it is a premiere Firebird only car show.  This year had 505 registered cars.  Everything from beaters (work in progress) to perfect unrestored (Concours) cars, but most fall somewhere between those categories.  Lots of super nice cars, right alongside junky cars like mine.
  But for lots of people like me (folks with average cars and folks with nice cars alike- it is the camaraderie, the carnival-like atmosphere, the awesome cars everywhere you look… this makes it all worthwhile.  Several of us check the Do Not Judge box.  We just want to be out there with everyone else. 
  And Tipp City ( a Saturday afternoon cruise to a town about 14 miles away) is the pinnacle. The town is closed off to all traffic EXCEPT Firebirds after 4 pm.  The entire town is Firebirds from end to end on Main Street and for the block side streets off Main Street.  Even more cars show up there. Cars that don’t register for the Nationals, but come to the Tipp City scene.  Music, food and cars as far as the eye can see.  And they give out a few trophies too at Tipp.  Not points-judged, but just whatever catches the eye of the presenters.  I could write a book, I think, on reasons to go to the Nationals if you get a chance. The first time I went, I didn’t take a bird.  And that was ok.   You can walk around all day looking at cars and talking.  Seminars are held by the guys that originally brought these cars to reality.  John Schinella, Bill Davis, Herb Adams, and many more have brought their unique knowledge and shared it with us through the years.  It’s simply the highlight of my (and of many of my friends) year.
Title: Re: What happens at the Nats...
Post by: FormTA on August 30, 2023, 03:15:44 AM
Wow, thanks for the description.  I live near Toledo Ohio so it's really just a hop skip and a jump for me. I always hear about it but have never made the trip. Basically I'd love to drive my car buy just to drive it, no judging but I'd be hesitant I could find a place to park it and because I'm paranoid, afraid it would ge damaged.i don't even feel comfortable leaving it in a parking lot in my own small town, if I can see it. Maybe like you said, I should just go without it some year. Thanks again for taking the time to spell it out for me.
Title: Re: What happens at the Nats...
Post by: roadking77 on August 30, 2023, 05:03:41 AM
Luke you should be ashamed, living in the same state and not making it, LOL. I understand your feelings about leaving your car. My answer to that is make sure you have good insurance paid up. I have never worried too much about leaving my car, although I dont travel with it, and rarely leave it parked out of my sight. I will take it to the store on occasion or to get a haircut.
Nat's sound like a lot of fun. I have been telling myself for years now that next year is the year Im going. Hoping some day to get there. The Tipp City night sounds incredible.
Title: Re: What happens at the Nats...
Post by: kentucky yeti on August 30, 2023, 06:20:17 AM
There is 24/7 security on the parking lot.  Multiple guards onsite all round the lot all night long.  Not to mention that the Yeti crew stays out until 4:17 am walking the field before heading to their rooms LOL.   Not saying something couldn't happen- just saying there are always multiple cars parked there that have $70k+ in restoration.  But showfield parking after Friday is only if you paid the $55 registration fee.   We drive ours- unrestored '77 Trans Am- over 6 hours each way.  This year I put 1041 miles on it going and coming, plus all the driving we do  while there.  We leave the show daily and go for long country drives.  Many park their cars and never move them, and that's fine too.
Title: Re: What happens at the Nats...
Post by: b_hill_86 on August 30, 2023, 08:31:31 AM
Luke you should be ashamed, living in the same state and not making it, LOL. I understand your feelings about leaving your car. My answer to that is make sure you have good insurance paid up. I have never worried too much about leaving my car, although I dont travel with it, and rarely leave it parked out of my sight. I will take it to the store on occasion or to get a haircut.
Nat's sound like a lot of fun. I have been telling myself for years now that next year is the year Im going. Hoping some day to get there. The Tipp City night sounds incredible.

Also guilty lol. Luke and I live about 20 minutes apart and I’ve owned my car 13 years and never been to the nationals. Always say I’m going to go but never make it. Maybe next year lol
Title: Re: What happens at the Nats...
Post by: FormTA on August 30, 2023, 08:42:38 AM
Ya, maybe if I get the Formula together we can caravan down together.... I still think I'd have a hard time parking and walking away from my car. I think it comes down to the fact that this car has been with me since I was 17... that's 28 years and nothing has happened to it and I just think I would he devastated if she was harmed... I guess it's more than a car to me, but an old friend.
Title: Re: What happens at the Nats...
Post by: kentucky yeti on August 30, 2023, 09:15:13 AM
So leave it home.  Maybe ride with Brian if he needs a copilot.  Car or not- you’re missing out on a great time.  I promise you that.  Hope you guys can make it there some day and meet up with us.
Title: Re: What happens at the Nats...
Post by: 72projectbird on August 31, 2023, 08:47:15 AM
Would be about an 1800 mile round trip for me, not including driving around the area once I get there.

Maybe next year I'll make the trek. It be pretty fun.
Title: Re: What happens at the Nats...
Post by: 76455sd on September 03, 2023, 06:58:41 AM
I’m in the group that has threatened to go year after year and never pulled the trigger.  72project if you need a co-pilot and someone to share gas costs from MA, give me a shout.
Title: Re: What happens at the Nats...
Post by: kjr94gt on September 25, 2023, 03:36:57 PM
Go to the show and Tipp!!! No one is going to bother your car. Too many people and too many cameras. Your missing out as a true firebird fan.